Originally, a monument on a boundary line. Modernly, boundary lines are usually established by walls or fences, and these are the landmarks.
Originally, a monument on a boundary line. Modernly, boundary lines are usually established by walls or fences, and these are the landmarks.
In oil and gas leases, the portion of the value of each barrel of oil which goes to the property owner.
A picture or single view of inland scenery. In real estate terms, the surroundings of a structure which provide the setting for that structure. To landscape is to modify the natural setting.
One who, as a profession, plans and designs landscaping. Colleges now offer a degree as a landscape architect.
The designing and planning of landscaping by a landscape architect.
The act of modifying a landscape, or features used in such modifications, such as trees, lawns, grade changes, etc.
The connection (joint) formed by overlapping two ends or edges and attaching them together.
A siding applied in a similar manner to clapboard siding, but utilizing longer boards, usually of better quality.
A term used in eminent domain proceedings, signifying that the parcel taken is not a complete parcel but part of a “larger parcel”; the owner, therefore, is entitled to damages from the severance as well as the value of the parcel taken. Unity of ownership use, and contiguity must be present, although federal courts and some states do not require contiguity where there is a strong unity of use.
A penalty for failure to pay an installment payment on time. Usually not allowed as interest for tax deductions. May or may not be included as usury. If not, the amount of late charge is either set by statute or must be “reasonable”.
A hidden or concealed defect. One which could not be discovered by inspection, using reasonable care. In legal descriptions, a latent defect may be corrected, and a totally new description not necessary.
Proceeding from, situated at, directed to, or pertaining to a side. A line branching from a main line (such as a sewer line) is called a lateral line. See also: Lateral Support.
The right of a landowner to the natural support of his land by adjoining land. The adjoining owner has the duty not to change his land (such as lowering it) so as to cause this support to be weakened or removed. See also: Subjacent Support.
The support upon which wet plaster is spread. May be metal (usually a course wire screen) or a solid, cement-like substance (called rock lath).
North-South distance above a meridian as measured from the equator.
A business which provides, at its location, laundry equipment (coin operated) for self service use by the public.
(1) A basin or sink for washing one’s hands and face. (2) A room containing a sink and toilet.
(1) The day (date) in a note, mortgage, etc., when the debt is to be paid. (2) A holiday honoring the law and legal profession.
(1) The arrangement or plan of any given area, such as the rooms within a structure. (2) The plans (drawings) showing the arrangement of a given area.
Removal of liquid waste material from sewage by filtration through sand, gravel, tiles, stones, etc.
Ducts, either dug in ground having filtration qualities (gravel, sand, etc.), or in which filtration materials are placed to remove the liquid waste from sewage.
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