A coarse mesh upon which plaster is spread.
A coarse mesh upon which plaster is spread.
The transferring of funds electronically rather than by mail. There is no waiting for a check to clear and no interest accruing while the check is in the mail.
A finance term. A mortgage or deed of trust securing a note without recourse allows the lender to look only to the security (property) for repayment in the event of default, and not personally to the borrower.
(1)To sign a deed, note, or other document, to attest to its authenticity, or to prove its execution. (2) The person attesting.
An affiliate of the NATIONAL ASSOCIATION OF REALTORS, it offers the designation of Leadership Training Graduate (LTG) and the Referral and Relocation Certification.
Buildings in which the walls, roof, and floors are framed with wood, although metal, stucco, or other material may cover the framing.
See: Sweat Equity.
Cash, or assets which are readily convertible to cash, used to carry on a business.
Drawing used by workman in construction. Shows all structural detail such as electric, plumbing, partitions, etc.
A structure on top of a grain elevator which houses the mechanical operating equipment for the elevator.
A doctrine of common law which held that if one devised (left by will) the same interest as the devisee would inherit (no will), the title by inheritance would prevail, and the person would take as heir rather than devisee.
A second or junior mortgage with a face value of both the amount it secures and the balance due under the first mortgage. The mortgagee under the wrap-around collects a payment based on its face value and then pays the first mortgagee. It is most effective when the first has a lower interest rate than the second, since the mortgagee under the wrap-around gains the difference between the interest rates, or the mortgagor under the wrap-around may obtain a lower rate than if refinancing.
See: Certiorari.
Writ in an action for the recovery of real property, generally from a tenant.
A writ to carry out the judgment or decree of a court.
An easily molded form of iron used for decorative railings, gates, furniture, etc. The term is loosely used to describe steel or aluminum used in the same manner.
The joining of railway tracks, the branches coming to the main track from different angles so as to form the shape of the letter Y.
A partition in a chimney which contains more than one flue, separating the flues.
A common mark used by one who cannot sign his/her name. The signature is as valid as a signed name unless restricted by statute.
Crossbracing forming the letter X. Used in floors and partitions.
A system of docks and channels used for the keeping of yachts and similar boats.
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