A term used in some areas to describe the restrictive limitations which may be placed on property. In other areas, simply called restrictions.
A term used in some areas to describe the restrictive limitations which may be placed on property. In other areas, simply called restrictions.
(1) The overhead interior lining of a room, building, etc. (2) A maximum amount.
A storage room or group of rooms, usually under a building, which are used for storage.
A mineral powder which, when mixed with water and allowed to set will dry hard and can be used in construction as floors, walls, etc.
A building block, composed of cement, and usually hollow. See also: Cinder Block.
Large parcels of land used for burying deceased persons. May be public or private, the private usually being of a specific religious denomination.
An assessment of property under one ownership but located in more than one assessment district. Used for railroads and public utilities to stabilize the assessment value.
An area of a city where most of the major businesses are located. The “downtown” area.
(1) The downtown area of a major city. (2) A city which is central to a metropolitan area containing many cities. The name of the central city is used for the whole area. For example: Los Angeles metropolitan area.
A writing, either from a court or other public body, giving assurances of existing conditions or facts, and giving rights or creating obligations.
A variation of the buydown. The seller purchases a savings certificate (usually with the proceeds of the sale) from the lender. The lender sets the buyer’s interest rate below market (generally 2 percent above the certificate rate). Should the seller withdraw the certificate funds, the buyer’s rate goes to market rate.
A specific sum of money deposited into a savings institution for a specified time period, and bearing a higher rate of interest than a passbook account if left to maturity. Does not have withdrawal privileges as does a passbook account. Also called a time certificate of deposit (T.C.D.)
One of the many indices that may be used for interest rate changes in an adjustable rate mortgage.
A certificate obtained by a veteran from a Veteran’s Administration office which states that the veteran is eligible for a V.A. insured loan. There is a list of requirements (when and how long the veteran served, type of discharge, etc.) which also may be obtained from the V.A. office.
A certificate issued by a local building department to a builder or renovator, stating that the building is in proper condition to be occupied.
See: Certificate of Sale.
A certificate giving the estimate of value on which to base a loan guaranteed by the Veterans Administration.
Evidence of redeeming (buying back) a property by the owner after losing it through a judicial sale. The time limit for redemption is set by statute.
Certificate issued to the buyer at a judicial sale (such as a tax sale), which will entitle the buyer to a deed upon confirmation of the sale by the court or if the land is not redeemed within a specified time.
In areas where attorneys examine abstracts or chains of title, a written opinion, executed by the examining attorney, stating that title is vested as stated in the abstract.
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