A small, convex roof, placed on a larger roof or surface, to promote drainage in areas of the surface which have barriers to said drainage.
A small, convex roof, placed on a larger roof or surface, to promote drainage in areas of the surface which have barriers to said drainage.
An obsolete term referring to a small farm or area to be farmed.
A specific harvest in a single growing season, such as the corn crop, apple crop, etc.
The planting of crops such as peas and beans (leguminous plants), which add nitrogen to the soil, on an alternating basis with crops such as corn, wheat, etc., which take nitrogen from the soil.
(1) Any land suited for farming (the growing of crops). (2) Land upon which crops are actually grown or growing.
A road connecting two parallel roads, usually at a right angle.
The surface exposed by cutting at a right angle to an axis (usually the longer axis) of an object.
Strengthening a structure by bracing cross members between the joists, thereby spreading the weight over a larger area.
A large molding used on a cornice or to cover a wide gap or angle.
See: Certified Residential Specialist.
A surveying report showing the amount and type of timber in a given area or stand.
See: Certificate of Reasonable Value.
The number of cubic feet in a building, measured from the exterior surfaces of the exterior walls and roof, and the interior surface of an unfinished floor or six inches below the finished surface of the floor.
An air flow measure used to grade the efficiency of ventilating fans.
See: Cubic Measure.
The cost of construction of a structure, divided by the number of cubic feet of the structure. See: Cubic Content.
See: Comparative Method.
A flow of water of one cubic foot per second. Used as a measurement term in determining the flow of a river or stream.
See: Cubic Measure.
A system of measuring volume or space by using cubic units. One cubic inch is 1 inch long by 1 inch wide by 1 inch high; 1728 cubic inches equals 1 cubic foot; 27 cubic feet equals 1 cubic yard.
See: Cubic Measure.
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