CUL DE SAC A street or ally open at one end only. Modernly, a street in a subdivision, open at one end, and having a large, rounded, closed end to facilitate U turns.
CUPOLA (1) A structure, usually domelike, atop a roof. (2) A type of foundry furnace for melting iron.
CURABLE DEPRECIATION Repairs which an owner of real estate should make to retain a high value, but which have not been made.
CURB LINE The line between the right of way for automobiles (road) and the right of way for pedestrians (sidewalk).
CURRENT ASSETS An accounting term meaning cash or those things which can be readily converted to cash, such as short term accounts receivable.
CURTAIL SCHEDULE The schedule of partial principal payments (both amounts and due dates) to reduce and retire an indebtedness.
CURTAIN WALL An outside wall which lends no structural support to a building, but acts merely to enclose.
CURTESY A common law interest of a husband in the property of his deceased wife. Abolished in most states.
CURTILAGE The grounds and secondary buildings surrounding a house which are commonly used in connection with the everyday use of the house.
CUSTODIAN (1) One who is entrusted with the care and keeping of real or personal property. See also: Custody. (2) A janitor.
CUSTODY The care and keeping of property (real or personal). For example: An escrow agent has custody of documents and funds until closing.
CUSTOM BUILDER One who builds for a specific owner, designing the building to suit said owner’s need, rather than building and then looking for a buyer.