One to whom a grant is made. Generally, the buyer.
One to whom a grant is made. Generally, the buyer.
One who grants property or property rights.
The record of the passing of title to all the properties in a country as kept by the county recorder’s office. Property is checked by tracing the names of the sellers and buyers (chain of title). Title companies usually have more efficient methods by keeping records according to property description, rather than people’s names.
A diagram representing statistical data by the use of dots and lines to show a relationship among things.
Loose rock about two millimeters in diameter, found in great quantity, and used for roadbeds, as a surface or under paving.
An excavation from which gravel is removed. See also:Borrow Pit.
See: Cemetery.
A hot air furnace which circulates by the different weights of hot and cold air, rather than by a fan.
Unseasoned lumber, having a higher content of moisture than that of seasoned or air-dried lumber.
A landscaped area surrounding a development to separate and protect it from a neighboring incompatible use, such as separating office buildings from an industrial park.
(1) A network of pipes (as for the distribution of water or gas). (2) A network of uniformly spaced horizontal lines, as on a map or chart, used for locating points by coordinates. (3) A chart used by insurance companies and lenders for rating property, risk of the borrower, neighbor-hood, etc.
A layout of streets in a subdivision or city which resembles a gridiron.
(1) In architecture, the curved point at which arched ceilings or roofs meet or intersect each other. (2) A structure, usually of pilings, used to resist shifting of coastal sands.
Total, with no allowances or deductions, such as gross acre, gross lease, gross income, gross sales, etc.
An acre (43,560 sq. ft.). Distinguished from a net (usable) acre.
In building measurement, the outside dimensions determine the gross area, irrespective of the area inside actually usable or rentable.
See: Adjusted Gross Income.
The scheduled (total) income, either actual or estimated, derived from a business or property.
A figure which, when multiplied by the annual gross income, will theoretically determine the market value. A general rule of thumb which varies with specific properties and areas.
A lease which obligates the lessor to pay all or part of the expenses of the leased property, such as taxes, insurance, maintenance, utilities, etc.
The money value of all goods and services produced by a nation’s economy for a given period of time.
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